I traded in my 1988 8v Golf GTI Campaign in 1996 and it had 132k on it when I sold it, apart from an engine rebuild, it was my fault as I went from 3rd at max revs in 2nd accidentally (was aiming for 4th) and big black cloud and 3 bent valves later oops. Anyway apart from that It ran fine, I actually saw it in traffic 2 years later and beeped the guy and he pulled over, we had a chat and it was then I noticed it had only 135K on it still, I said you dont do many miles in it then?, he said he had done 38K in last 2 years, I politely informed him that I had sold it with 132K on it, he replied saying he bought it with 97K on it, oops looks like the garage wound it back a fair bit, he was not happy but glad I told him, we exchanged numbers as I had informed him i had found an old MOT for it for the year before I sold it that showed 123k.
I posted it to him and a few weeks later he called me saying he went to garage and asked them about mileage and they claimed no knowledge of any wrongdoing!, it was then he handed them the MOT i sent him, he ended up walking away with £250 in his pocket as he said he would contact both the police and trading standards if not, he even sent me a cheque for £50 as thanks

Generally Bullet proof as long as looked after, my mates mum had a met green Golf Driver years ago, she sold it with 197k on it and still running strong!