You do realize, Stealth wolf will not sleep tonight now and will be under his car as i post this. 
You realise I have a fear of being trapped under a vehicle and refused to change rims without chocking the other three wheels and placing the removed wheel next to the jack should the jack fail?
I also had a mate bring an ambulance and a fire truck round so if anything
did happen, I'd be taken to hospital fairly quickly.
Furthermore I took the liberty of texting the ITU consultant and telling him what I was about to do just so he'd know what injuries to expect. I also asked him to inform the Trauma and Orthopaedics registrar so he could prepare a theatre on standby.
I then had a thiry minute long chat with immediate family members and told them I loved them. I also told them where my will was and where I had buried the treasure.
That's why it was 3pm when I had started to change the wheels and ran out of daylight.