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Author Topic: Side skirts removal  (Read 1166 times)

Offline Little_Dave

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Side skirts removal
« on: January 14, 2012, 08:24:35 pm »
Am i right in thinking to remove these i just need to undo the 2 screws at each end and 2 in the middle and pull?  :confused:

Look like they are just screwed on at 4 points and sticky foam tape along the top edge and up the rear wheel arch?!


Offline TrickGTI

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Re: Side skirts removal
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2012, 10:20:32 am »
Hey yea two at either end and three underneath! Then be care full I presume mine had never been off so yours should be the same as they are stuck on at the rear and there's the 2 min way of getting them off by just pulling and breaking them there only like 30 quid each brand new from Vw or you can spend an hour carefully running a plastic body filler scraper down the edge untill you get to the back then a stanly knife on the bonding glue at the back. All depends if there going back on. If your colour codeing I would just say buy two new ones get them painted because even if you get them off it's a pain in the arse to scrape all the double sided sticky foam out of the side skirt that runs the length of it and then getting the new to tape to stick properly.  :smiley:
2006 Tornado red GTI

Offline Little_Dave

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Re: Side skirts removal
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2012, 01:02:38 pm »
Cheers mate i thought as much.... got some R32 painted ones ready to go on and gonna try and not break these ones as i've had some interest in them already  :happy2:
