Hello folks, I've been having some issues with my car lately, but I thought they were all solved. So I loaded the PDtuning stage 2 map I had onto the car via my shark performance sts device.
Now it had a lot of overboost and fuel cuts. so I compared it to a bunch of logs that I had done with the same map last year, but as you can see below, the way the boost comes in and dies off is totally different to a year ago, also the fuel rail pressure requests a lot more than it did last year aswell, also the engine load is different?
All the datalogging was done on the same stretch of road, and in the same gear.
Now the way the sts device works is you read your map, then send it to shark. They then run it through some master device, and you get a file back that you can use.
Now my question is, how can the requested values of a map be totally different to what I had a year ago??
The maf values I recorded from the stage 2 map showed 265g/s which equates to ~330bhp aswell

I then loaded the stock map back onto the car to see if my HPFP was on its way out, and as you can see, it copes fine with the stock map?
Has anyone any ideas as to how the map could have changed so much?
Stage 2 map loaded via sts device

Stage 2 map off a year ago, loaded by PDTuning

Stock map