General > Product Reviews

Review - Carbon Vinyl Interior....

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If anyone is considering doing either just the trim or just the Recaro backs, or both, I decided to have it done 'mirrored' - Side by side the seat back patterns form a "V" or " \  /". And the trim also goes "\\\\\\\" on the lefthand sides and "///////" on the righthand sides. I considered this to look better than just one direction throughout.


--- Quote from: wigit on April 21, 2009, 11:29:42 pm ---
robin, absolutely amazing quality of workmanship there truely stunning for both seats and trim, a few of use will be interested in seeing that on saturday me thinks  :wink:

--- End quote ---

.... :drinking:

I think I better vacuum and clean the inside of the car before Saturday's big meet! But when!? I'm off to Haywards Heath.

Top Cat:
Robin did the seats need to come out of the car for fitting.  :smiley:


--- Quote from: Top Cat on April 21, 2009, 11:38:59 pm ---
Robin did the seats need to come out of the car for fitting.  :smiley:

--- End quote ---

....Yes - I forgot to say. I'll edit my first post :happy2:


--- Quote from: Top Cat on April 21, 2009, 11:38:59 pm ---
Robin did the seats need to come out of the car for fitting.  :smiley:

--- End quote ---

....So, are you tempted for your Recaro backs, TC?

There's all sorts of vinyls available :evilgrin:


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