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Einszett Gummi Pflege rubber protection

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i think ill be investing in some of this, so how many cars will it do in theory??


--- Quote from: v2brett on October 31, 2008, 09:55:58 pm ---i think ill be investing in some of this, so how many cars will it do in theory??

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it last for ages, i didnt run out of my last bottle i lost it lol

Hows it compare to Zymol Seal, if you've ever used it?

I have an almost empty bottle of seal and looking to get a replacement, this could do the trick.  :happy2:


--- Quote from: veedub18 on November 02, 2008, 11:00:11 am ---Hows it compare to Zymol Seal, if you've ever used it?

I have an almost empty bottle of seal and looking to get a replacement, this could do the trick.  :happy2:

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well, its cheaper and just as good imo  :happy2:

Cheers bud,
I'll put an order in later, there's a few bits I need and I've heard good things about the Einszett range of products.


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