All Things Mk5 > Members Rides

Some decent pictures at last

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How did you get the front grill off mate? Does it just screw into place?

That is one stunning car you have there! Looks amazing!  :happy2:

 :drool: clean....


--- Quote from: Moschops on April 22, 2009, 07:50:48 pm ---Very nice...not sure about the colour though.. :signLOL:

Look like a nice cool place to work on out of the direct sunlight to. :happy2:

--- End quote ---

He has a fantastic place there with loads of space to work on his car! So no excuses, it should always look like that!  :P :wink:

How does that lower grill come off BTW?

Thanks for the comments guys. I'm very lucky with areas around my drive that are shaded throughout the day. I move the car from one place to another when its hot and can usually find a good bit of shade for polishing.

Lower grille is fixed in by 2 screw attached to the upper section at either side of the bottom of the numberplate. Remove the 2 screws and then just pull it away.

I didn't clean the rad as to do it properley would have meant using a presure washer and I didn't want to wet everything again having washed the car yesterday. I use carplan back to black for the grille and other black plastic, it leaves no residue and can be applied with a brush or a rag.


Very jealous of all that shaded outdoor space!! Car looks spot on!  :happy2:


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