For Repos use the ones in this link in addition to the already installed ones apps/tweaks i have
Activator - Make your own gestures and hardware button presses launch apps etc
App Sync - for syncing Jailbroken Apps with iTunes
Barrel - Make cool transitions between app screens (recommend curl and roll away)
Color Keyboard - Change the colour of the keyboard
Fake Carrier - Change you carrier name to anything you like. Accepts emoji icons too
Flux - Automatically adjusts the colour temp of the screen at night and in fluorescent lights. Google it
Five Icon Dock - What it says on the tin
Five Column Springboard - What it says on the tin
Folder Enhancer - Folders open and close faster, have unlimited apps in a folder and a folder within a folder
Font Swap - change the font for anything & everything
Lock Info - Same as iOS Notifications but a lot better
HTC Plugin HD for Lock Info - Gives the HTC style clock and weather together on the Lock Screen
Multi Icon Mover - What it says on the tin
Pull to refresh Mail - What it says on the tin
Pull to refresh Safari - What it says on the tin
SBSettings - Allows quick access to common settings (3G, Airplane mode, Bluetooth etc)
SBSettings HD theme - Theme for SBSettings
Serious SBSettings HD - Theme for SBSettings
SiriToggles - Allows you to launch any app, change any setting by voice
Winterboard - For applying theme packs to change App icon's soundsets etc.
Depending on what time i finish work i'll put up some screen shots of various bits