Might as well throw up some pictures and show off the new woman's big behind :D
Bought it standard back in October... 38k on the clock, totally standard, 2 owners (mother and son

) with a big smile on its face saying "buy me...nobody ever drives me like a GTI!!"
How she sat on purchase...after the 4 bald 18"s were replaced lol

First up, new name badge:

Never really touched it until after new year when my bank account had stopped crying

then the fun began!
First up..LED number plate bulbs, cheap and simple:

Then the horribly carbon'd exaust was annoying me so it was time for a Milltek

Good timing as Awesome were having their January sales!WIN!
Stuff that didn't quite fit:

Shiny stuff:

Fulton doing what he does best:

The results:

Then on to some lowerage...probably not enough

First of all I saved some money buying 2nd hand 30mm H&R's...but something wasnt right!?:

Not a noticable drop I hear you say...and you'd be right...wrong springs!!!:
Left - 30mm .... Right - Standard... but no difference:

So they went back and some spanking new 30mm H&R's were bought (again from Awesome):

And it was back to Alan's Autos for round 2!
Fulton dressed like a Trawlerman:

One down...a while to go:

Now happy with the reduced off-road ability:

Sorry if this is a bit picture heavy...just had a lot to share

hopefully some clean pics will follow!
Now how much is this thread going to cost me?!?!?!?!?!?!