All Things Mk5 > Members Rides

My 08 ED30.....

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lovely , when you adding mods  :party:

gorgeous mate  :happy2:

Sorry guys, Im used to going to golfgtiforum and forgot about this forum even though I registered here quite a while ago!  :ashamed:

Nevertheless, this forum is firmly in my favourites list now  :wink:

As for mods.............
I purchased this car near the beginning of this month (April). The car was first registered in August 2008, and had only 3,500 miles on the clock - so practically new. I have just under 2.5 years of warranty remaining.
I dont want to make any changes that will affect the warranty. Since I need my car to get me to work and back, the longer Im covered by warranty the better!

Therefore, Im assuming I cant make any changes 'under the hood' until my warranty has expired?
If this is so, I may start with a few subtle additions of CF  :wink: Maybe the mirrors and the bonnet......

Not only did I buy this car, but I recently had some work done to my house. I stuck all this expense on a credit card (0% until Jun 2010  :wink: ), so my main priority is to get the card paid off.
Remember I also have 3 other mouths to feed!

Once the card is done, I'll start the mods  :wink:
Im not planning anything just yet, as I'll get impatient and want to just get on with it.
Then again, I also need to keep my distance from you guys - some of the mods Ive seen on your motors are sureeeee tempting.......... :jumping:

welcome over here mate.
tis avery nice car,
speak ya soon


--- Quote from: Phil Mcavity on April 23, 2009, 07:05:14 pm ---Ifti!!!, why on earth arent you in this forum more???

Your car looks Mint. Quality purchase mate, and i bet you dont regret your decision to stretch the budget to get it :happy2:

--- End quote ---

I've been beavering on the OTHER for sometime to get his butt over here PM telling him what a top bunch we all are.

At long last he has seen the light :party: looks spot on & the best colour of course :happy2:


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