I don't know whether I should share the following info

A friend of mine had A prob with his next door neighbours cat crawling under the front gate and $hi££ing in his flower beds everyday.
His neighbour couldn't really do anything about it, but my mate was getting more and more mad about it.

One day we were in the garden having a drink when it strolled past us both and squat down to take a dump

Well he picked up the cat (it was quite a friendly $hit bag and didn't object to being picked up) he went into the kitchen cupboard and grabbed the colmans English mustard.
He got a big dollop on his finger, stood the cat up, lifted its tail, and smeared the yellow gunk on the cats a-hole

The cats was fine......
....for about 3seconds!!! Then it started to lick its backside while running round in circles! Then it began to spit and cough and away it run.....like a bullet!
He then smeared the bottom of the gate post with the mustard as a reminder to the cooking fat not to enter his garden again!
It was quite horrific to witness but, It really worked

In no way am I condoning this action!