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Author Topic: Golf R written off  (Read 10177 times)

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Re: Golf R written off
« Reply #45 on: January 25, 2012, 04:19:57 pm »
Just seen this.

FWIW ....

I am a serving traffic officer in London.

I also used to deal with police collisions as a supervisor and my role is now solely concerned with fatal or extremely serious (and I mean serious!) collisions ...

Any driver involved in a collision should be breath tested and the power is there.

The police driver as I read it was suspended from driving duties.  That would be standard with a significant crash ... which this clearly is - regardless of fault.  If this is their fault they will go to court for it - simple.  Every police collision in London is looked at by the CPS ... the same can not be said for a member of the public! 
The police officers perception is that the CPS always try to prosecute officers ... the publics seems the opposite !  My experience is that the CPS are actually fair about it and treat both the same.

I have known many police drivers prosecuted ... and this one will be if he did wrong. Simple.

As for 'testing' top speeds, etc ... that one officer managed that reason as a 'defence' but the door has now been closed and no one else can use that 'defence'. 

Believe me or not as you wish when I say he will be dealt with appropriately ... but I was dealing with this stuff for over 7 years !

Just my views FWIW :)

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Re: Golf R written off
« Reply #46 on: January 25, 2012, 04:29:15 pm »
And now your in Police "Public Relations" it seems  :signLOL:

Only kidding, if he guilty and prosecuted, fair enuff, if he guilty and not prosecuted, hey ho "The gang" looked after him  :happy2:
MK7 Golf R, Pure White 3Dr DSG, Had since 10/06/14

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Re: Golf R written off
« Reply #47 on: January 25, 2012, 04:39:13 pm »
Have a read of this, and he got done for his plate!

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Re: Golf R written off
« Reply #48 on: January 25, 2012, 04:40:18 pm »
And now your in Police "Public Relations" it seems  :signLOL:

Only kidding, if he guilty and prosecuted, fair enuff, if he guilty and not prosecuted, hey ho "The gang" looked after him  :happy2:

I'm pretty sure this happens in all walks of life and jobs though. It's just people seem to get a bit uppity when its the Police/Government/Army/Politicians etc.

I do think that the Police have an incredibly difficult job to do. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't sometimes. Far too much red tape, bureaucracy, lack of common sense and drive from politicians sometimes etc.

I know we all call them (Police even do it themselves sometimes) but when something goes wrong who are the first people we call. It certainly aint the Ghostbusters  :grin:

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Re: Golf R written off
« Reply #49 on: January 25, 2012, 04:43:13 pm »
This thread makes me laugh!!

It wouldn't have even been posted (for the 2nd time may I add) if it was a Vauxhall Vectra!! 

Too easy to knock the Police in this country, far harder to deal with the situations they encounter on a daily basis!

Like any profession there will be good and not so good, but hey isn't it easy to tar them all with the same brush!!  :stupid:

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Re: Golf R written off
« Reply #50 on: January 25, 2012, 04:47:23 pm »
This thread makes me laugh!!

It wouldn't have even been posted (for the 2nd time may I add) if it was a Vauxhall Vectra!! 

Too easy to knock the Police in this country, far harder to deal with the situations they encounter on a daily basis!

Like any profession there will be good and not so good, but hey isn't it easy to tar them all with the same brush!!  :stupid:
Getting like daily mail on here :signLOL:
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Re: Golf R written off
« Reply #51 on: January 25, 2012, 04:48:26 pm »
This thread makes me laugh!!

It wouldn't have even been posted (for the 2nd time may I add) if it was a Vauxhall Vectra!! 

Too easy to knock the Police in this country, far harder to deal with the situations they encounter on a daily basis!

Like any profession there will be good and not so good, but hey isn't it easy to tar them all with the same brush!!  :stupid:

I was just reading this and wondering what to reply with. Your statement is spot on and this thread is just a sad reflection on how our current society is in todays world.  :sick: :rolleye: :indifferent: :fighting2:  :ashamed:.

Offline garrardrj

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Re: Golf R written off
« Reply #52 on: January 25, 2012, 04:55:16 pm »
garradrj - Are you a cooper?

You'll make detective at least , do you want to join  :wink:

I think the bit when i said i had breath tested someone gave it away :evilgrin:
« Last Edit: January 25, 2012, 04:59:48 pm by garrardrj »
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Re: Golf R written off
« Reply #53 on: January 25, 2012, 05:02:49 pm »
Like I said in an earlier post, 90% of them are fine and you dont hear about them enough, but like anything its the bad 10% that is reported on.

Tough job they have, I could not deal with scrotes giving me lip like you see on "Coppers" "Police Interceptors" etc, i would probably just end up giving them a smack in't chops (hence why im not a copper, well that along with the hours and the pay  :happy2:), although on the subject of "Coppers" some of those guys really dont help the "peoples perception" of the police do they?

MK7 Golf R, Pure White 3Dr DSG, Had since 10/06/14

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Re: Golf R written off
« Reply #54 on: January 25, 2012, 05:06:51 pm »
For what it's worth, it was done in Trafford Park (no houses, all businesses closed) in the early hours of the morning. The car was doing evaluation testing for suitability as a covert pursuit car, the kind that chases your stolen GTIs/S3s etc etc...when scumbags come through your back door and hold a knife to your throat for the keys.

The copper got it wrong, but he was doing his job. I wouldn't see him punished, he may be the man who gets your car back - he needs to train accordingly for the role.
Sideways yo!

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Re: Golf R written off
« Reply #55 on: January 25, 2012, 05:49:06 pm »
Love the way the Media just love to sensationalise things..

The golf R is now a "supercar" and costs over £40k!

On another note.
Copper or not, he could have died, killed someone else.. but he didnt and for that we should be thankful and not make this another us against them thread.
He f**ked up, we all do. He will be dealt with. Life goes on lessons learned.


Offline Sonic6103

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Re: Golf R written off
« Reply #56 on: January 25, 2012, 07:39:38 pm »
I've had many involvements with the police, from various areas/forces and different departments. I've also been on the right side and wrong side of the law and at this moment in time I'm also having one police officer sacked because of him thinking he is above the law once he gets his uniform. I've mainly gone so hard on him because I will be making an example of him and showing the rest of GMP, at least, that some people will not stand for that type of behaviour from someone who we are meant to trust and expect to be professional. To cut a long story short, I was pulled over in my VXR8 and asked politely to get out n go get in his van, I asked politely if I could move and park somewhere safer for me to get out. He didn't escalate the situation step by step and instead he extended his baton and tried to smash my windows. I opened my door to stop him n he ripped me out of my car, I'd undone my seatbelt but hadn't had the chance to take it off fully but I was dragged out of my car, literally n without any exaggeration, and I told him to stop it and also that I had been blown up in Afghanistan around 18 months prior to this n now only had one leg so to not drag me. His response was that he didn't give a f*ck n was dragging me anyway. I have CCTV n 2 members of the public who have been happy being a witness but they have tried wriggling out of it all the time but I have 2 solicitors in my family n also have most of the national n local papers happy to help so they now know they have to do something about it. Luckily my partners mums boyfriend used to work for the IPCC (independent police complaints commission) n now works for the PM's writing speeches so knows what their procedures n timelines are so I'm pretty lucky with everything like this. The police officer had 2 other officers with him but they were too frightened to stop him I'm guessing as they kept out of it the best they could. It wasn't that long ago (July 2011) when three members of GMP beat up a Royal Marine in Wigan and it was all caught on CCTV n has been passed around all over the Internet and on the news on tv too so this is just another example of them abusing their positions. I have 2 members of my extended family n 3 friends who are in the police force and they agree n have even owned up to themselves n colleagues breaking the law but getting away with it. I wouldn't paint them all with the same brush but know a lot of police officers do the same things that are not acceptable. It's just the same as me doing things that are illegal but we do get in more trouble than the average Joe. We get done by civilian police and then also get charged etc by the military. I've never come across a police officer to get any more of a punishment than the general public. Oh n I've also passed my blue light training for use with bomb disposal which covers the same basic aspects of what u can n can't get away with just by putting the lights or sirens on. If I can find links to show what I'm talking about then I will do later on when I get home :)

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Re: Golf R written off
« Reply #57 on: January 25, 2012, 07:47:50 pm »
good for you sonic  :fighting: copper sounds a bit of a div to me how could he pull you out of car seeing you had your legs blown off he should be thanking you for your service in the forces  :notworthy:

Mods yes but way too many to stick in this little box

Offline Russ_leeds

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Re: Golf R written off
« Reply #58 on: January 25, 2012, 08:11:34 pm »
good for you sonic  :fighting: copper sounds a bit of a div to me how could he pull you out of car seeing you had your legs blown off he should be thanking you for your service in the forces  :notworthy:

x2, what an f-ing prick! hope he gets every book going thrown at him
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Offline Sonic6103

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Re: Golf R written off
« Reply #59 on: January 25, 2012, 08:11:54 pm »
I have a prosthetic leg and wear jogging bottoms most of the time as it's easier and most comfortable so he didn't know anything until I told him. His Sgt has agreed he was out of order for it and his 2 colleagues kept saying they couldn't do me for anything, even after he said he'd just stick me on a section 5 which is the most over abused section I've ever come across upto now. I'll find the CCTV of the marine last year and post the link up on here and also will post up the link for my story once i've given permission for them to print it (only happening once the case is closed so that it can't have an effect to the outcome of this situation). Oh n I don't have problems with all police officers and I've even thought about joining up myself but unfortunately they are still on a recruitment freeze.

I do hold my hat off to a lot of police officers for what they do and have to deal with but too many don't understand the point of being a police officer sometimes