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Author Topic: CW MK6 Golf R (Australia)  (Read 116753 times)

Offline stephen8512

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Re: CW MK6 Golf R (Australia)
« Reply #195 on: July 30, 2015, 03:58:37 pm »
Right in the like this makes me almost wish I didnt get the Golf R and got another Jetta. Would probably do it like this too...

Offline stephen8512

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Re: CW MK6 Golf R (Australia)
« Reply #196 on: July 30, 2015, 04:00:13 pm »
So got this today from BKS Tuning.

Going to DIY doing the reverse light on the driver side so that I can have dual reverse lights and get rid of the useless rear fog. Going to replace the bulbs with B1 Hybrid white bulbs instead of Bold Sport LED.

I currently have my reverse bulb installed with one of these and it's been great and no chance of bulb out error on the dash unless it actually dies on me.

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Re: CW MK6 Golf R (Australia)
« Reply #197 on: July 30, 2015, 04:00:26 pm »
Saturday shenanigans with Bima. Decided to swap wheels for fun. His White BBS LM 18x9 +35 and my Black SSR Professor SP1 19x9 +37 on his GTI. I have to say, I have never seen a static MK6 GTI look that good with my wheels. Stance was on point for his. For mine, if I were to rock the LM's, need to lower it a bit more...

TO be honest, I think the SSR SP1's looked epic on his GTI more than it does on my R, and vice versa...the LM's looked much better on my R than it does on his GTI IMO... Wheel swap perhaps? Going to wait till I get the OZ Futuras rebuilt, then we'll see. Might look at trying to find a set of LM's and rebuilding them to make a square set of 18x9's...

Offline stephen8512

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Re: CW MK6 Golf R (Australia)
« Reply #198 on: July 30, 2015, 04:01:31 pm »
Got around to doing the dual reverse light mod. Ever since i saw it on Lucas_R's build thread here when he had a Golf R, it's something I've always wanted to do.

I decided to DIY this but I had never done any soldering before and I'm pretty crap when it comes to wires and electrics. Big, big thanks to Lucas (Lucas_R) and Jeff (In Black) for answering all of my newbie queries and providing help and assistance as well as photos as a guide on how I should tackle this.

In hindsight, it's not a very difficult DIY mod and a seasoned expert/professional could probably do it in about 30 minutes. I decided to take as much time as I needed, making sure I dont miss anything.

I tried to take some photos as I went along but my phone battery died on me so couldnt get many pics, but here we go.

You will need:
- Driver side inner tail light with reverse bulb (you can buy the inner from BKS-tuning)
- Soldering iron with solder (I got mine from Jaycar)
- Wire stripper and a small blade/craft knife (Wire stripper available from Jaycar and blade/craft knife available from Bunnings)
- Two-core power cable about 2 metres (I also got this from Jaycar. 7.5A rated)
- Replacement reverse bulbs (They are a W16W bulb and you can either get LED's from Bold-Sport or if you want to keep it Halogen but still have white light, I opted for B1 Hybrid, made in Japan)

1) The very first thing I did was watch this video as I was a complete newbie to all this and had no clue what to do. This was great.

2) Remove the driver side inner by popping out the plastic cover from the boot and un-screw the two nuts holding the housing onto the bootlid. Also, remove the bootlid trim. This will require some force to do as you will pull on it and it will feel as though it will break or snap but gently keep applying more and more force until it pops out. Doing this will allow you to hide the wire underneat and zip-tie it all together to give it a neat finish later on.

3) There is a plastic latch on the sides holding the tail light housing on to the bootlid. To get this off, simply pull down with some gentle force. It should just pop out. Be careful not to break any tabs.

4) Once you remove the housing, the back of the tail light should look like this. We will be splicing into the yellow cable and the thicker of the two brown cables :

5) Take the ends of your 2 core power cable, get your wire stripper and get rid of the coating to expose the wires underneath.

6) With your craft knife/blade, carefully pierce the plastic cover to expose the wires underneath. Be careful not to damage too many of the wires underneath. Do this for both yellow and thick brown cable, and for both inner tail lights.

7) When you're done, it should look something like this :

8) Get the exposed wires from your cable and wrap it around the exposed wires from the tail lights and get it ready for soldering. For my application, the red cable went to the yellow tail light cable and the white cable went to the thicker brown cable. Solder away. Repeat for the other side

9) Mount the inner tail lamps back onto your boot lid. (my soldering job probably looks super crap! hahaha!). Make sure you cover the newly soldered connections with some electrical or insulation tape.

10) When it's all mounted, it should look like this. As you can see, I had a lot of excess cable left but thats alright as I neatly arranged it against the existing wires and zip-tied it all together so it doesn't rattle inside when I put the bootlid trim back on. At this point I also swapped out the OEM bulbs for the white halogen bulbs from B1 Hybrid.

That's it! Now, you have dual reverse lights and no more people saying to you that you have a light out when reversing! (excuse the crap picture quality)

Only thing is, if you were to pull the headlight switch to activate the rear fogs, both rear reverse lights will come on but only for a short period of time. It will turn off after about 5 seconds and you will get a "bulb out" error on the dash. For me, this is not a big thing because I have NEVER used the rear fog light ever. Even if you do pull the switch out and get that bulb out error on the dash, it goes away when you turn the car off and start it back up again.

Again, massive thanks to Lucas_R and In Black for helping me with all my queries.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2015, 04:03:26 pm by stephen8512 »

Offline stephen8512

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Re: CW MK6 Golf R (Australia)
« Reply #199 on: July 30, 2015, 04:02:24 pm »
Thanks to Ray for this photo :

Offline stephen8512

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Re: CW MK6 Golf R (Australia)
« Reply #200 on: July 30, 2015, 04:04:32 pm »
Oh, and this happened >D

Offline stephen8512

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Re: CW MK6 Golf R (Australia)
« Reply #201 on: September 16, 2015, 02:57:28 pm »
Decided to head on down to the drag strip tonight. I had not taken the Golf R down the 1/4 mile at all, even when it was stock. Since performance mods had been done for a while now and it's pushed out 220kw at all 4 wheels on the dyno, I wanted to see how this translated on the drag strip.

- The car was not stripped of anything. It was full weight, including spacesaver + jack and tools in the boot.
- Tires pumped to about 42psi. Dunlop SportMaxx GT (235/45/19)
- 2/3 fuel left in the tank when I arrived. BP Ultimate 98RON.

Did 4 runs. The first run I did was my best run of the night.

First run : 12.908 @ 106.75mph. 2.049 60ft.

Second run : 13.042 @ 106.29mph. 2.104 60ft.

Third run : 12.938 @ 106.77mph. 2.080 60ft.

Fourth and final run : 12.952 @ 107.43mph. 2.069 60ft.

Overall, it was pretty fun and it was great to know that it pulled consistent numbers. Curious to find out what it'd do if it was stripped of un-necessary weight, but I enjoyed the fact that the Golf R, being such a versatile car that it is, came up to the drags in full street trim, ran consistent 12's, and got me back home hassle free.

Next thing I might consider doing is a DSG Reflash. I have yet to do this and have heard it may improve the times a little bit as well as getting rid of the sluggishness in feel in D mode.

Offline GLIDN

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Re: CW MK6 Golf R (Australia)
« Reply #202 on: September 17, 2015, 07:19:13 am »
I approve of the reverse light mod. Should really do it on my MK5 GTI too.

As for the strip times, was that even on the 19" too? If so, then it was a pretty decent time for sure.
Doing a DSG map does make a massive improvement from drivability and also quicker times. Done a few here in NZ.

Keep up the modding and updating.

Offline stephen8512

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Re: CW MK6 Golf R (Australia)
« Reply #203 on: September 17, 2015, 07:48:31 am »
I approve of the reverse light mod. Should really do it on my MK5 GTI too.

As for the strip times, was that even on the 19" too? If so, then it was a pretty decent time for sure.
Doing a DSG map does make a massive improvement from drivability and also quicker times. Done a few here in NZ.

Keep up the modding and updating.

Thanks for that mate! yeah the reverse light mod is great! Completes the rear as far as I'm concerned.

The times were done as you see the car above. 19x9 ET37 all round, Dunlop Sportmaxx GT street tyres 235/45/19, full weight in the car including spacesaver and all the tools/jack, 2/3 fuel in the tank, 42PSI. It ran 12.9 all night.

Offline GLIDN

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Re: CW MK6 Golf R (Australia)
« Reply #204 on: September 21, 2015, 04:33:08 am »
I approve of the reverse light mod. Should really do it on my MK5 GTI too.

As for the strip times, was that even on the 19" too? If so, then it was a pretty decent time for sure.
Doing a DSG map does make a massive improvement from drivability and also quicker times. Done a few here in NZ.

Keep up the modding and updating.

Interesting that you put your pressure up on the tyres? I have always seen improvements well on a FWD by reducing the tyre pressure.

Something I was thinking about over the weekend, simply jump into the VCDS under CECM (If I recall correctly) and simply disable rear Fog in the coding. Then that error should seize to exist also?? Well just a thought.

Thanks for that mate! yeah the reverse light mod is great! Completes the rear as far as I'm concerned.

The times were done as you see the car above. 19x9 ET37 all round, Dunlop Sportmaxx GT street tyres 235/45/19, full weight in the car including spacesaver and all the tools/jack, 2/3 fuel in the tank, 42PSI. It ran 12.9 all night.

Offline stephen8512

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Re: CW MK6 Golf R (Australia)
« Reply #205 on: September 25, 2015, 05:56:51 pm »
Few photos from German Auto Display 2015 in Canberra, thanks to Jordan

Offline stephen8512

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Re: CW MK6 Golf R (Australia)
« Reply #206 on: September 25, 2015, 05:59:12 pm »
teaser from photoshoot with Joe :

Offline stephen8512

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Re: CW MK6 Golf R (Australia)
« Reply #207 on: October 06, 2015, 03:21:45 am »
New parts coming soon :

-Integrated Engineering Intake Manifold (still awaiting word back from them re: a query I had but shouldn't be much longer until I get a word back from them. Mainly for potentially going bigger turbo later on)
-OZ Futuras (rebuilding, 18x9 all round, new lips, barrels, repainted centre and gold bolts)
-BBS RS (rebuilding, 17" staggered with black bolts. Not sure of width atm, but will be something pretty epic, something like this : )

Teaser #2 of photoshoot. Joe keeps sending me these photos one at a time. Will post full set when he sends it all over to me, hopefully soon.

Offline stephen8512

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Re: CW MK6 Golf R (Australia)
« Reply #208 on: October 06, 2015, 03:36:00 am »
Met up with Daniel from and took some photos of both my Golf and his Mini. He drives a cool little red Mini Coupe that I had always seen from time to time and it was a car I quite liked. Don't see many of those around, especially nicely modded like the way he had. He's since upgraded to the Renault Clio Redbull edition so the Mini was soon to go up for sale. Weather turned out to be perfect for the day we shot.

Many thanks to Daniel for taking time out of his day to take some photos.

Offline stephen8512

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Re: CW MK6 Golf R (Australia)
« Reply #209 on: October 16, 2015, 04:02:15 pm »
Finally picked these up. Going to rebuild them but will take my time. Hopefully not as long as it took for me to put the Professor SP1's on the car but just slow and steady :)

One barrel has a tiny crack which will need to be repaired but not a huge job. All 4 lips have gutter rashes but again, not too bad. Overall the wheels are in very good condition.

Need to pull them apart, polish the lips, repaint the centre face, replace bolts to gold and re-assemble. It'll be an (almost) square set of Oz Futuras 18x9 ET39 front / ET40 rear

Love how big the boot is on the Golf. 4x 18" rims fit snug and without problems