Isn't this thread about the V3.0 software!!
Well I think this is covering the high costs of APR V3 in Uk compared to US, its something I have always wondered myself.
Bottom line the software has been developed, done dusted and now priced (high in my personal opinion), UK costs are always higher than states, guess that comes from us becoming used to it over the years but with the world now being an internet commerce these prices need to be more in line (again my opinion).
Software developed in USA and has been for a while, also sales in US for quite a while, it was tweaked I guess for UK (different fuel RON rates, diff boost settings, timing etc etc, but still the same software with tweaked parameters, surely as its already developed we should be paying similar rates?, after all It does not cost much for software to be loaded into the car?, about 1.5hrs maybe?.
And I know that Revo charge the same but they aint cheap either (I guess they priced theirs as APR were no longer around/supported in UK with a disty so they could price at what they wanted I guess!, when you have an abundance of smaller tuners offering similar stuff for almost half the price and with good reports it makes you wonder..... are we really paying for the name?.
The only benefit of APR that I (again to re-iterate personally speaking) see is the ability to switch map on cruise, thats about it!.
I personally import stufff regularly from USA as I was sick of getting loaded with high prices from UK importers, woo it hits UK shores and suddenly it becomes 50% more expensive or go direct to source in USA and get it cheaper and after shipping and taxes still save yourself 25%.
I was lucky enough to "Accidentally" get sent a UK Distributor pricing list for my business which showed that UK wholesale cost was actually only 8.9% higher than US

OK stepping off soap box, wiping brow and Reeeelaxxxxx.
Seriously tho APR (and Revo) the smaller guys are catching up (if not caught up already) and charging half what you are