My times were worse than last year

i just couldnt get off the line, and the one time I got a perfect launch, the times didnt show up

I got a free run, but made a mess of it again.
My best times were a 5.67/14.02 My Vreds are on the wear indicators, so might have mnade a slight difference along with the head wind.
I have a few iphone vids of the smoking porsche, and a couple of TTrs' but dont know how to up them
Thanks for the launch tips Ben, worked on the result that never was

Believe it or not, I've got a burnt head and neck off today, so much for the poor weather

And hello to Monte, put a name to a face, there wasnt anyone else on the mk5golfgti stand when I parked my car there
I think your car is moonlighting at the minute Sy on the VW racing stand, alongs with Keiths 'R'