So anyone on here had there Gti or ed30 mapped at r-tech??
Also how much is the remap?
Software is only 50% of getting a remap session spot on. I wish it was as easy as flashing a map and taking the money... I would have my RS6 bi-turbo by
Typical 2005 Mk5 GTI 2.0TFSI 197bhp R-Tech Custom Rolling Road Remap session.

Stock power made 206bhp 234lbft for some reason the car made high stock torque output, it should be around 205lbft?
So we carried out a full data logging session to find out why the torque was so high on a stock power run. Our findings where that the N75 boost controller was a little lazy and was reacting slow, causing the boost to over shoot and the ecu pid controllers react to late.
Next step was to take all the logged data and produce a spec1 base map based on the compiled data.

Next step is to flash the base map and log the boost, lambda, timing, n75 ect to make sure they are following the ecu requests. The logging was found to be ok and safe, so the next step was to carry out fully loaded power runs against the rolling roads eddy current brake to allow us to get a mental picture of where we can improve the map and to iron out the flats spots and wasted boost where we could use more timing advance and reduce the boost with out compromise to the power.
then..........................hit a brick wall lol
During logging and loaded power runs we found a major flat spot at 5000rpm, which also can be seen in the stock map so the remap has brought the issues to light. We made another 4 map version to try and iron out the issue, but only made the flat spot worse, as this point we put the flat spot down to hardware. After looking at the logs we found the air flow to increase at and N75 effort get higher at 5000rpm without and gains in the power curve which mean the issue is boost / air realted. After 20mins of hardware testing we found the one way PCV check valve to be leaking and sticking open...end of mapping session. New part on order.
final result today= 237bhp 278lbft with PCV issues.

Just goes to show mapping is only 50% of getting good power.. the rest is down to the tuner to id hardware issues.