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Author Topic: doing my golf up (beginner)  (Read 3613 times)

Offline dannymk5

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doing my golf up (beginner)
« on: February 02, 2012, 02:32:56 am »
Hey everyone just a quick hello my first post just thought ad ask some advice.

I own a 1.4s 2004 golf its my first and only car and i have had it since october 2008.

I will ad pics later today.

Anyway ... i would really love a MK5 GTI i love how they look and i have never drove anything other than my 1.4 so im guessing the performance is so much better also.

but unfortunately due to lack of funds of student life i cant do much. ( also the car has become a friend so I feel I owe a loyalty to it!)

i have decided to give it a little face life and spend some money on it and make it better for myself and I can enjoy for a few more years possibly.

I would really like to upgrade it without it looking like a tacky bad effort and make it something it never will be. ive seen some AMAZING examples on here by other users you really have beautiful cars.

so im sure if anyone would want to please feel free to maybe give me some feedback on what i could do?

i want to upgrade ....



BODY KIT/FONT GRILL? I really love the gti body kits the black grill looks mean and is the reason why i prefer MK5  to the MK6 models. but im not sure how to go about that?

DOOR HANDLES - body coloured ones.


im really unsure of costs and how things really work as i said i am a beginner.

really appreciate anyone help and sorry if im asking to much on my first post!

Thanks in advance!


Offline Aweful_Truth

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Re: doing my golf up (beginner)
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2012, 03:20:16 am »
yo bud! id say wheels are totally personal choice... but most people seem to roll with 18's, ive currently got "massive audio sk slim" speakers in mine with alpine double din head unit. and had my windows tinted last thursday for £140 back window and two sides. there are loooooads of posts and tons of info on here about new bumpers, audio, face lifts, interior just have a look around and check out the for sale section where theres always good stuff, last i saw there was R32 bumpers and jetta stuff going for a real good price!
To Bad, So Sad, Bye Bye!

Offline dodds-gttdi

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Re: doing my golf up (beginner)
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2012, 08:16:07 am »
Hey, welcome to the site. Good to see another non-GTI member on here. If you're a student you'll find a lot of mods on here are pretty expensive. There are quite a few things you can do that will help spruce up your car.

Wheels - I'd recommend maximum 17 inch alloys, preferably made by VW. There are several styles out there from the Golf. Look up Monza 17's and Classix wheels. These can be picked up from as little as £150-200 with decent tyres.

Colour-Coding Body Parts - if you know your way around painting then its a relatively simple job to remove your door handles, prep them and paint. Door rub strips will need to be done on the car. You'd need to mask up the rest of the door and be very careful not to get overspray on the rest of the car. If your mirrors aren't colour coded then they would look nice done too. These are a bit of a pain to dismantle but you'll probably find a How-To Guide on here or Google.

Headlights - GTI's come standard with black insert headlights. So do some late GT models, some come with grey insert headlights. I haven't seen your can but I'm guessing it will have chrome headlights. If you keep you eye out here or on ebay you can pick up a set of black or grey insert headlights that'll totally change the front end of your car.

Headlight bulbs - Dim, yellow headlights don't give off that sporty look. I'm currently using Philips DiamondVision H& Bulbs which are great (very white) but as always there are loads of other alternatives.

Audio - VW offer a few good stereo's. Your car will probably come with the RCD300. A good upgrade would be either a RCD310, RCD510 or RNS510. These range from £50ish (RCD310) to £500+ (RNS510)!  :surprised: There are other brands/makes of stereo but I haven't tried anything else in my Mk5.

Bodywork - The valance from a GTI is relatively cheap £50ish from a VW Dealer and if you get a good bodyshop they shouldn't charge you the earth to paint it. If you get it painted with all your other non-colour coded parts they may give you a good deal. Look around at a lot of cars on here that have half the rear valance painted. Looks v. good in my opinion.

Lowering - You're best going for lowering springs as opposed to coilovers if you are on a budget. £150 might get you a cheap set of coilovers but would get you a top quality pair of springs. Look into Eibach or H&R Springs for the 1.4 model.

Engine - A remap will do nothing for your car and you'd be better saving that money for a newer/faster car Golf. All cars would benefit from a good service including changing the fluids and a good quality air filter. I'm not sure what there is on offer in the way of aftermarket 1.4 filters.

The main thing that makes a lot of cars stand out on this forum are the little mods that on their own don't seem to make much difference. But add all the little mods up and you find yourself looking at a pretty decent car.

I hope you manage to get your car looking how you want. You'll find a lot of useful info on here (part numbers etc). Remeber to show us pictures though!  :happy2:

PM me if you have an idea of what wheels you want.  :wink:

Offline keano

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Re: doing my golf up (beginner)
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2012, 08:46:59 am »
Look this way for super sexy forum discounted tints  :grin:

Other than that I'd have a look at some h&r lowering springs and a nice set of alloys. The bbs pescaras found on the edition 30 are going cheap at the moment and can look great!

I'd stick to VW parts regarding bodykits, or you may end up ruining the car :(  :evilgrin:

Nick :happy2:

Offline nezquick

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Re: doing my golf up (beginner)
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2012, 08:57:21 am »
You sound just like me when I was at university.

Personally I would get a small one day a week job or evening - student bars are always a good one with plenty of decent tips.

Ebay and the for sale section will become your friend soon enough - ebay has loads or little cost effective mod's just have a search around.

Lowering terms agreed on springs, they will be way better in your budget. As headlights why not pick up some film and wrap them - someone on here (sorry forgotten name) has a grey mk5 with yellow headlights and they look very good. If not your headlights pick up some for your fogs (if you have them) If not then just some bright white bulbs, Don't get sucked in to buying those cheap and nasty rip of xenon lights.. They are more dangerous and you will fail your mot. Plus it makes people on the other side of the road do this  :driver: minus the laughter at the end.. imagine that's a laugh or relief as you've pasted.

Engine wise the best you can do is a cone filter - I had one on my old car which was only a 1.2 but it was a nice enough sound. To be brutally honest they don't do a huge amount for a small engined car but then again it makes you feel like your helping your car breath and it does always sound nicer. Id suggest ebay picking up something like this:

why not look at a cheapy exhaust? nothing brash just a little more "free flowing"  :evilgrin:

There is no point spending a lot of money on an expensive K&N Evom Neuro etc etc as the gains don't justify cost  :wink: . Like Dodds mentions a remap is useless.. Save that money for something else like a nice set of Alloys - look at bbs  :drool:... they would suit your car but it is personal choice. But also like Dodds mentioned no higher than 17 it just wouldn't sit right..

Audio wise I might be able to help, I have a fusion sub woofer, two sets of 6x9's and two amps (fusion and alpine) I might be selling them soon so If you want Ill give you a pm

The other side of the arguement is you could save all this money and buy a mk5 gti after you finish uni?  :signLOL:

Either way Good luck with the built and let us know how its going! What you studying and where?

Offline dannymk5

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Re: doing my golf up (beginner)
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2012, 12:28:43 pm »
wow thanks for your really detailed and useful replys!

Aweful_Truth - thanks mate i will look around teh forum and see what info i can find since i have found the site i have been hooked on all the info flying around ( alot of it i have no idea what it means but i will learn ha) thanks mate

dodds-gttdi - really useful post mate i will check out the wheels you mentioned i was looking at the old rs4 style in 17 i seen a pic on google with these wheels on the same model and colour golf and it really lifted the look of the car. however if i got a gti front grill i would like monzas 17'' in black not sure what im after just yet depends on if i decide to get the body kit done. but i will pm you with some ideas if thats ok mate thanks. really apprciate all your other advice i see people mention a lot about lowering my car does this cost much? and will i need to buy anything new to do this? thanks

keano - i will stick to a vw mk5 gti body kit i just think they look the bets dont you? the black grill just looks the best im surprised vw didnt stick with this design with future models its a shame :( as for window tints i will defo give you a shout- i belive its only legal to have the back windows done is this true? do you supply and fit the tints? if so where are you based? thanks

nezquick - hello mate, student life aint the best but im almost done. in the last year of my masters degree study graphic design in preston at UCLAN but im from liverpool. i work all the other days im not at uni so im picking up some cash. course is self funding so no student loans or anything so its a killer! half of me thinks wait till i finish to spend money on the car or a new one but i use it a lot. i don't live in preston so im on the motorway 3 times a week and my job is a half hour drive from my home so i just wanna get some work done on it so i enjoy driving it again. give me a shout on your audio system mate i will be interested im a big music lover and the stock speakers sound so tinny its frustrating haha.

i was going to part ex my car for a golf gti i would love to do that but i could only afford to do that then obv pay the rest on finance but i dont want that hanging over my head, id rather pay for what i can afford.

thanks again everyone. really really helpful!!

Offline sub39h

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Re: doing my golf up (beginner)
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2012, 01:08:22 pm »
hey mate. welcome

i've gotta mirror some of the other comments above about saving your money. i had a 1.6 before my 2.0T and i was thinking about doing it up, lowering it, remap, exhaust, wheels, facelift etc.

but when it boils down to it, it wouldn't have been the car i wanted it to be and i've have never seen my money back for the mods i would have done. i mean modding itself is fun and it can be addictive but as a general rule of thumb i try and do mods that are reversible with parts that are sought after. in your case the vast majority of the parts you'll buy for your 1.4 won't be suitable for the bigger engine cars that most people tinker with so you won't see your money back.

you're much better off waiting and saving for the car you really want... and when you do you'll have more money for a tidier one  :happy2:

i honestly wouldn't bother pal - or at the most get a set of wheels and some colour coding to keep you interested. but whatever you decide very best of luck  :smiley:
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 01:16:54 pm by sub39h »
2006 Phantom Black A3 2.0T S-Line
DSG | Rear Parking Sensors | MFSW | BOSE | Auto lights/wipers | Half leather
MODS : '09 tail lights | TT vents | Bilstein B14 | RNS-E 2010 | AMI | AKS Tuning custom CAI | Titanium BBS VZs | NQS BBK | WALK | Autotech RARB | Bluemotion aero | Blueflame TBE | Autotech HPFP | MY11 Wing Mirrors | Bluetooth | S3 Intercooler
PLANS: Stage 2+

Offline big al

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Re: doing my golf up (beginner)
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2012, 02:23:18 pm »
Lots and lots of nice mods available for the MK5. Though unfortunately there are loads of tatt ones too, just steer clear of ebay specials would be my advice.
Make sure that you do notify your insurance company of any mods.

I have some BBS CH reps that will be coming off the car in the next couple of weeks, look identical to the genuine ones, but a fraction of the price.
keep an eye on the for sale section here too, A lot of my modding/near bankrupcy/divorce has been due to this site!!!

Offline dannymk5

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Re: doing my golf up (beginner)
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2012, 01:51:35 pm »
thanks for the advice SUB now im having second thoughts and i have no idea whats the best thing to do i totally agree that im never going to have what i want by doing up my 1.4 even though i would love to do it up this is still an expensive method of having a better car.

im thinking i may just hold out and wait. theres some nice gti for sale on here but theres just no way i can afford it. only way i could do anything is by part ex my car and finance the rest.
how do i upload pics of my car in here?

the add image box isnt doing much ha  :ashamed:

big al thanks those wheels sound interesting how much would they be going for?

Offline gazon69

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Re: doing my golf up (beginner)
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2012, 02:28:51 pm »
Hi mate, if i was in your shoes and you really want to do something, then i would just lower it on some springs and change the wheels for some 17s or 18s. You will see a massive difference in how it looks and it wont be a massive outlay. You can then probably save for something better (a gti) and maybe even move the wheels across to that car if you prefer of try and sell them. At least you wont be shelling out £100s on pointless mods that you would probably only lose money on.  :happy2:

Offline dannymk5

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Re: doing my golf up (beginner)
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2012, 01:32:43 am »
Yeah good point gazon i think i will just go for some audi rs4 style wheels the 9 spoke ones i saw a picture of the same colour and model golf as mine and they look great. how do you get your car lowerd is it expensive? i have no idea on this kind of thing

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Re: doing my golf up (beginner)
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2012, 08:46:03 am »
Yeah good point gazon i think i will just go for some audi rs4 style wheels the 9 spoke ones i saw a picture of the same colour and model golf as mine and they look great. how do you get your car lowerd is it expensive? i have no idea on this kind of thing

Ive got these boxed up in my garage  :happy2:
bout time I shifted em.
As new condition.
I'll do you a cracking deal! :wink:

« Last Edit: February 04, 2012, 08:52:48 am by monte »

Offline gazon69

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Re: doing my golf up (beginner)
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2012, 08:52:21 pm »
Hi mate, i have just been in the for sale section and noticed some gti side skirts and gti front splitter, very good price as well. Thats if you still want to go ahead with the gti look. Maybe worth a look. :happy2: