Its my friends car and it broke down the other night and when i came to it with my code reader it came up with a crankshaft signal fault, so for the sake of 30 quid i got one. it did run but misfired and chugged really bad. Anyways after alot of chewing about trying to get the crankshaft sensor out it wouldn't as the car has done over 200k the little bolt head was shot so off came the gearbox to get access to the little blighter and hey preston another problem the dual mass flywheel was completely shot and was stuck in the turned position covering the bolt heads to remove the flywheel so out came the grinder to cut out the centre part to allow access to the bolt heads. So once the flywheel was off i could get the sensor out and see what it picked the signal up off to see if it was damaged and it looked fine. The polish lad at work said his friend in poland knew these pick up rings are a common problem over there so i replaced this to. He got a conversion to a solid flywheel kit and so i got it all back together and now it just wont even attempt to start. i never erased the fault codes before i did this work and now its all together its showing no faults at all, ( must have fixed the crank signal fault ) things iv checked..... when cranking my diagnostic reader shows a rpm signal, the in tank fuel pump is pumping a good amount of diesel to the high pressure pump, iv used jump leads to earth different parts of the engine straight to the battery to eliminate a bad earth. im starting to think iv disturbed some dodgy wiring. the only thing i have not checked is if the fuel is dodgy so untill i can check this any ideas anyone????
any ideas will be much appreciated as it starting to drive me crazy,

and sorry if any of this reads funny or my spelling is wrong but im not to good with writing, people seem to point it out to me on here so thought id get there first