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Author Topic: Confirm my clutch is dying  (Read 1034 times)

Offline jaycue2u

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Confirm my clutch is dying
« on: February 04, 2012, 06:49:49 pm »
Im pretty sure its my clutch, but when i put my foot down hard in 4th gear (or higher) at about 50mph the car begins to accelerate then the revs climb very high, i thought it was the wheels spinning at 1st but i dont get any lights on the dash so i think its the clutch, anyone wish to confirm?

So assuming it is the clutch what sort of price am i looking at for a replacement fitted? Im currently running stage 1 Revo and an ITG on my 05 plate GTI, is a std OEM clutch suitable? If i end up going to a DP / TBE & stage 2 would a std clutch be suitable then?

Thanks in advance  :happy2: