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Author Topic: an excuse for a polishing machine?  (Read 1484 times)

Offline nezquick

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an excuse for a polishing machine?
« on: February 05, 2012, 04:07:57 pm »
 well i woke up this.morning after a crappy night sleep worry about my lovely car due to all the snow and ice.

I presumed someone would have slided into it from the way people were driving.. well.. not driving and i witnessed a crash! Anyway i though id check out my car this morning and too my relief the car was fine.. but then i thought something wasnt right.. well i looked over the car and noticed some little sh*tter has swiped the snow of one side if the car and in the process scratched my roof.. :sad1:  :mad:  :sick:

 im proper peed off and now after a bit of shouting and swearing think bite the bullet and buy a polishing machine and do thewhole car and get rid of a few smaller cosmetic blemishes... the thing thats really annoyed me is the scratch runs down the whole roof in a curve...i know its all done in good fun and they probably didnt mean to otherwise they would of keyed it but i mean for f*ck sake do people not think?!?  did it not cross ere mind "oh hang on a minute.. this button could scratch this persons nice and well kept car? I should pribably get the snow from the wall.."  :confused:

so does anyone have a polishing machine for sale and any advice to resolve it? It does only look like a light scratch and hasnt gone through to the bare metal.. so im presuming some kind of compount or polish?

Ideas would be apreciated

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Re: an excuse for a polishing machine?
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2012, 04:11:04 pm »
I have a polisher and pads for sale along with different compound polishes etc... used 3 times PM me for info.

Offline stealthwolf

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Re: an excuse for a polishing machine?
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2012, 10:05:01 pm »
Depends on the scratch. Generally speaking the fingernail test is quite good - if you can feel the scratch with your fingernail, it means a respray (or touch in pen with sanding it flat and machine polishing). I'd get it looked at rather than trying to tackle something like that yourself.

The GTI isn't just a machine. It's very much a living, breathing thing.

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Re: an excuse for a polishing machine?
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2012, 06:09:43 pm »
well i woke up this.morning after a crappy night sleep worry about my lovely car due to all the snow and ice.

I presumed someone would have slided into it from the way people were driving.. well.. not driving and i witnessed a crash! Anyway i though id check out my car this morning and too my relief the car was fine.. but then i thought something wasnt right.. well i looked over the car and noticed some little sh*tter has swiped the snow of one side if the car and in the process scratched my roof.. :sad1:  :mad:  :sick:

 im proper peed off and now after a bit of shouting and swearing think bite the bullet and buy a polishing machine and do thewhole car and get rid of a few smaller cosmetic blemishes... the thing thats really annoyed me is the scratch runs down the whole roof in a curve...i know its all done in good fun and they probably didnt mean to otherwise they would of keyed it but i mean for f*ck sake do people not think?!?  did it not cross ere mind "oh hang on a minute.. this button could scratch this persons nice and well kept car? I should pribably get the snow from the wall.."  :confused:

so does anyone have a polishing machine for sale and any advice to resolve it? It does only look like a light scratch and hasnt gone through to the bare metal.. so im presuming some kind of compount or polish?

Ideas would be apreciated

have you sorted it yet?
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Offline nezquick

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Re: an excuse for a polishing machine?
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2012, 06:36:46 pm »
No  :sad1: im gunna order a polishing machine through work and a scrap pieve of car on ebay to practice on.. ive gone over it with tcut and autoglym polish and wax and its alot better!!

Offline nezquick

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Re: an excuse for a polishing machine?
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2012, 06:44:12 pm »
well i say through work i mean the plumbers merchant im working for atm  :innocent: has its perks