I have just removed my MFD2 and installed a Kenwood dnx520vbt
My MFD2 has the Shark fine aerial on the roof, the ipod prep in the centre armrest and the car also had a Sony Ericsson Phone setup installed.
My problems are that my Radio signal is awful, and I have a lot of spare connectors left unused.
Here are some photos.
For the MFD2, the connector with the blue parts on it in this photo was plugged into the back of the MFD2
AND the connector with the cream part was plugged into the connector that my thumb is on:
At the top of this photo there is a cream, a white and a blue connector.
I am guessing these come from the shark fine aerial?
Is the Blue the GPS and the cream and white are radio?
These are the wrong type of connectors to plug into my headunit to use for GPS or radio.
Am I needing one of these connectors?
If I know what colour represents GPS and which represents Radio I should be able to sort something out :)