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I love that shot greennouse, I wish my pearl black had that lustre, also an awesome shot.  :happy2:


--- Quote from: JPC on March 16, 2010, 09:47:25 pm ---Yum fooking Yum! Autofinesse finessing there ;)

--- End quote ---

James does know his onions!  :happy2:

Yeh. Bet your chuffed it worked out like it did now ;)


--- Quote from: JPC on March 16, 2010, 10:00:27 pm ---Yeh. Bet your chuffed it worked out like it did now ;)

--- End quote ---

Very much so! There were three of them at it on Saturday night!  :pomppomp:

Should be able to keep her that way soon as she'll be tucked up in the new Bat Cave at the end of the month!  :party:

Arse! I wanna buy a van so I can keep my car in the unit! Sick of doing adding miles to my car!!


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