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Bennett vrs:
lol thanks bud. Black cars are a nightmare to keep, love it when its clean though. Have to admit the favourite car ive done was my mates mk1 Focus RS, colours awesome to work with and the paints Easy compares to Vag paint! Will post up a few pics, not really great reflection but shows the colour off very well!

do it matey, that rs colour its a stunner when detailed!


--- Quote from: JPC on September 25, 2009, 11:45:33 am ---do it matey, that rs colour its a stunner when detailed!

--- End quote ---
ill be doing my mates mk1 rs soon  :smiley:

your car looks fantastic by the way

Bennett vrs:

That was it before right enough......

Can see the mark of where his brother bumped against the back and left a number plate outline, and 2 pinhead marks where the screws are in it!  :fighting:

Found a reflection shot to.......he was born with that face though, not his fault!  :P  :grin:

Bennett vrs:

Back when i was running standard wheels and exhaust to  :smiley:


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