right so ive managed to find some time tonight to start uploading pics so to start
so to start i had 2 LED bulbs and soldered a length of wire on to each terminal

then i took the fog light holder off the back of the light so i could see the back of the ring and marked where i wanted the bulbs

then i drilled the hole to the size i wanted, LEDs dont get hot so the i made sure the hole was spot on so the bulb is tightish in the lamp

next up was to mod the fog holder you can see the 2 parts ive cut out to clear the bulbs

after refitting the fog bulb holder i then cut the wires to form a loom

due to it being so cold outside i decided to use the boys scalextrix powere pack (its 13.5 volts

) to power it up its been on for over an hour and the bulbs are stone cold

now i cant get a good pic of them lit up here is about the best i can muster

if i wanna be mega picky at the top and bottom its alittle dull, i did think about a dob of black paint on the tip of each LED or even adding another 2 LEDs one top and one bottom to even the light out a little
so what do you think???