I'm sure its been covered before but seeing as remaps are flavour of the month....
What are your recommendations for a stage 1 remap on a standard mkV gti?? So many options
- REVO, R tech and shark seem popular. What do you reckon
I haven't heard anyone mention custom code, anyone had any experience with them??
All thoughts welcome
ta Graeme
We have smallest crappest workshop of all the tuners, plus small cheap waiting room with a antique tv and ripped fake leather sofa, we are on a small industrial estate in Hinckley next door to a scrap metal dealer, only 3 staff, no fancy map switch boxes, no fancy glossy adverts, and an outdated £9.99 per month website....................... So no frills here sorry..... R-Tech fail...

BUT If your looking for a full health check, datalogging, good quality custom rolling road mapping session, dyno graph with realistic numbers....................... Then we can FRILL you..

Our prices match the quality of the wating room..... not the quality of the service...