Some of you have already very kindly given my RedRobin Music page on Facebook a 'Like' - A BIG THANK YOU!
However, I'm needing as many as I can (not likely to hit the millions though!) to then be able to expand my potential. Fb has rules which mean that as a 'Musician/Band' I am seen as a business and so cannot gather Friends on Fb. Giving me a Like does not automatically then allow me to do anything on your Wall etc (perhaps a good thing!).
As Andy suggests, anyone/all in your family can hit me a separate 'Like' if they have different Fb accounts. Please be reassured that no-one except myself can see who has given me a 'Like' and so your Fb privacy remains protected as is.
Presently the only thing I can give you in return is the possible pleasure of enjoying listening to some of my music - It's very varied. You don't have to listen to any of my tracks in order to give me a Like. In the future I plan to make some tracks available for free downloads - Currently my hands are tied to musical collaborators.
Apparently the Like button is at the top of my BandPage:
http://listn.to/RedRobinMusicOh, if any of you have the hots for Hannah Simone, she's linked from my page.