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i fancy a new dslr, help?
i currently have an olympus e420 which was my first dslr but now i have the urge to move to either canon or nikon. finding lenses etc will be alot easier for this two compared to olympus.
both can be had for around £550.
i have read some various reviews and both seem to be what i am looking for with both plus and minus points for both.
if this link works it should show a comparison between the two
I cant really budget to go for anything more to be honest. i know these two came out last year but how quickly to they normally come out with the newer model? ideally would like this bought before april as i have a tuition booked. cheers
Doesn't work but you might find these links more useful:
d5100 review
600d review
thanks for those links :happy2:
still cant decide... ha ha
Both are very good and get good reviews :happy2:
But the thing is a Canon owner will say buy the Canon and a Nikon user would say buy the Nikon :laugh:
Best advice I can give is to go into your local camera store and have a look and hold of both then decide what feels right for you. When I was first looking into buying an SLR I walked into jessop's with the intention of buying a Canon but walked out with a Nikon D5000, the nikon just fitted my hand better and my fingers found the buttons easier to get on with :innocent: Plus IMO the Nikon seemed to have a better build quality :popcornsoda:
Hope that helps
Also try a Pentax K-5 as they are now almost half their launch price.
Well I would say that as I have 2 of them but still a good camera and even better in the right hands. :innocent:
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