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i fancy a new dslr, help?

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Would like to put my weight behind the Sony alpha DSLR. For a non Pro (which I most def' am) it's the dogs. Came with pants all round lens but once changed out for 50mm portrait lens and a good quality zoom lens it comes into it's own. The body is not where you will be spending your money, it's the lenses! :happy2:

PERSONALLY i prefer Canon but that is mainly because i have been a Canon user for at least 20 years.

Get the 600D

And also consider the Canon 50mm f/1.8 AKA the Nifty Fifty

Another option is a slightly older Canon 50D will deffo give you room to grow with your hobby. I had a 350D and found its limitations have now moved on to the 50D and amd still learning with it

I was in the same boat as you a few months ago and couldn't decide what one to get, I picked the 600D

It has a built in user guide-good for me as a i had no idea what half the buttons do and mean
It see's colour do shots are always great with great intensity
Flees great in my hands
Lots of parts are upgradable to make it even better!
Nikon cameras I didn't get on with at the shop so there out the question straight away for me

There's loads more useful stuff the 600D does but I dont know any of it  :signLOL:



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