Hi, your wheels look great 
You say 'drive in drive out' service, presume this is just for painting or does this also include powder coating?
I would like to get my pescara's powder coated but can't afford the wheels of my car as it's in constant use......not fortunate enough to have a spare set 
Thanks! I was originally quoted £60, but I think Premier lowered their prices to £55 afterwards. They were decent enough to tell me (I hadn't checked again), and charged me the lower rate.
By 'drive in-drive out', I simply mean that they removed and refitted the wheels and tyres. This includes powder-coating like mine. I may be wrong, but I'd be surprised if it can be done in a day - surely you want the primer to dry properly before the powdercoat goes on, and then that needs to dry before you refit the tyres? They quoted two to three days and did it in two.
If I'm starting to sound like an advert, I didn't get a special deal, and nor do I know or work for them!