With high mileage diesels (100k) is this sort of thing worth doing/using?

Forte Advanced Formula Diesel Treatment has been specifically formulated to combat driveability concerns caused by the by products of combustion and the adverse effects of fuel degradation.
Forté Advanced Formula Diesel Treatment cleans and lubricates the whole of the fuel system both pre and post combustion, improving overall engine power and efficiency and considerably reducing costly downtime and component replacement in direct and indirect injection engines.
Forté Advanced Formula Diesel Treatment is compatible with ULSD, catalysts and particle filters and for use in Common Rail Direct Injection diesel engines and does not affect the cetane rating of diesel fuel.
Forté Advanced Formula Diesel Treatment is a multi functional diesel fuel treatment which when used as directed will provide the following performance benefits to all diesel engines.
Improve engine performance and driveability
Reduce noxious exhaust emissions Prevent fuel system corrosion and control fuel oxidation
Lubricate and extend the life of injectors and fuel pumps
Restore injector spray patterns Reduce valve and combustion chamber deposits and maintain EGR valve cleanliness