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Author Topic: Can anyone help (ahead of visit to garage)?  (Read 868 times)

Offline idc2001

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Can anyone help (ahead of visit to garage)?
« on: February 19, 2012, 02:12:11 pm »
Hi all

Was driving home from work the other day and there was a godawful noise occuring from time to time that sounded like someone's breaks were sticking on - took me some time to realise that it was my 57 plate DSG Gti  :surprised: Couldn't seem to stop it by dabbing the breaks, checking the handbrake etc, but it only happened sporadically and was going low speed Ldn driving so kept on. Checked all the discs and calipers when I got home as best I could - nothing seemed verly hot and no odd marks or otherwise...very odd.

Next day drove to work with windows open & nothing....but again on the way home it started again.....but this time started to realise it wasn't the brakes, it just sounded like that. It wasn't happening under hard acceleration - usually at lower speeds whilst decelerating whilst coming up to lights/roundabouts etc....but it wasn't consistent and wasn't replicable. When I got home popped the bonnet and after some gentle revs it did it again....a truly horrid screeching sound that went on for a few seconds then died. It did it a couple more times, but not enough that I could pinpoint location (sound is suprisingly hard to track down in the engine bay) and then it stopped doing it, but when I turned off the engine the sound was there again, together with an air-rushing then a "popping" sound at the end.

At risk of sounding like an idiot I have no idea what this could be - guessig that it is induction related but has anyone heard (or heard of) this behaviour before? I am reluctant to take it out for a spin to try and recreate the effect in case it is something serious - hence thought would turn to this place for any advice. Note that there is no warning light on the dash (and nope, haven't got means to scan for fault codes myself, sorry).

All ideas welcome - and thanks in advance if anyone can help. 

Offline idc2001

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Re: Can anyone help (ahead of visit to garage)?
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2012, 10:53:29 pm »
Nobody any ideas ahad of my drive to work tomorrow?

Offline MAT ED30

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Re: Can anyone help (ahead of visit to garage)?
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2012, 11:02:42 pm »
Sound like a boost leak ie a popped pipe maybe

Mods yes but way too many to stick in this little box

Offline luckyGti

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Re: Can anyone help (ahead of visit to garage)?
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2012, 11:21:51 pm »
It will be a stone stuck in the disk guard of the rear caliper, does it sounds like the exhaust is dragging on the floor??

......Actually It may not be because you hear it when the car is at stand still, the first part of your description definitely sounds like the guard issue which is easy to fix, just a matter of bending the guard back slightly and knock the stone which is stuck out.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 11:26:26 pm by luckyGti »