Morning folks,
Only posting as this type of thing never seems to happen for me!
Went to Waitrose for some mile last night , seen 2 packs of Aberdeen Angus thin sirloin steak reduced from £6.99 to £1.99 - great, a bargain i thought, so a duly grabbed both packs. Picked up some milk as well (which is why we went in the first place).
At the checkout, scanned everything in, the total came to £1.25 (the price of the milk).. checked the screen, everything was on there but they had left the 2 for £10 on the packs of steak - which meant a discount of £3.98!!

so, i guess its a heads up if you ever see reduced stuff like this in the future - might be worth checking if the multi-buy discounts still apply as well!
Anyone have decent ways of cooking steak?? i very rarely cook it at home...