General > Photography Section
Looking at buying an s100
Hi first of all im looking at buying a canon s100 basically i want a compact point and shoot with a good hd video capture function and a little bit extra when it comes to user control, ive read the reviews and this seems to come out on top. I was previously thinking of a dslr but i decided against it as they are far to bulky and that would put me of taking it places !
So has anyone got one used one ?
Also the price on these vary quite abit, but i can get one from hong kong for £296 should i be worried about buying from here eg will it be euro spec ?
Ta Bry
S95 is just as good to be honest . I would never buy from HK as you will never know whether its a fake or not and you might get stung by customs aswell ! S95 is great value now
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