Red is worth even most !
Red is the cheapest colour, followed by Black then silver, grey and finally white, also in order of rarity it seems.
I paid £11500 for my 39K FVWSH Candy white ED30 08' plate (May 2008 reg) in october last year, it came fully loaded with exception of Bluetooth and cruise (cruise retrofitted for £90), I also spent another £400 with front splitter re-paint, minor service and spare key cut, so it stands me at £12K, I know I got mine cheap as seller needed to sell

, I think I saw the one you are on about on ebay (14.5K?) and thought ouch (high price and basic spec) although not as much as the stealer asking for £16k for the other candy Ed30

If it were me I would be offering him £12.5K for it max, if your in a rush to buy one or seem over keen your gonna end up paying for it, if you dont mind biding your timew you can make your offer and sit and watch it not sell (possibly, theres always someone who will pay through the nose) then go back and offer again.