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Author Topic: Paint / Repair  (Read 993 times)

Offline nezquick

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Paint / Repair
« on: February 21, 2012, 02:21:13 pm »
I have a small mark developing on my door silll (bare metal and pealing paint) nothing serious or bad with a bit of rust bubble marks in a few other spots (ill wait until they actually peel before worrying).

What is the best way to resolve the issue? shall i just sand the metal with some fine paper (being very carefull) and using a VW chip repair stick with a bit of lacquer over the top?


Shall I sand back a square of the sill (say 4x4cm) and then spray it after masking off the square with lacquer after treating it with anti-rust.

Also, are the side skirts actually glued down? or are they just really flush / tight.


Offline gazon69

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Re: Paint / Repair
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2012, 02:59:55 pm »
Personally i'd leave it to an expert to look and and sort. Depends on what sort of condition the rest of the car is in also. What colour is it? I wouldn't have thought you would get a decent finish with an aerosol.

Offline nezquick

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Re: Paint / Repair
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2012, 03:11:13 pm »
Well I asked the mobile paint and alloy repair guy who always has his lunch on my road (see him daily as I go home  lunch) and he told me there wasn't much point paying to have it done and told me to do the chap stick method with some lacquer on top and said he would then look at it (very honest answer). He said the only thing he would do to make it worth while is to do the entire door sill from front to back which is not cost effective or worth while in my opinion.

I have a paint gun so spraying shouldn't be a problem (I have one of those mini ones for small jobs)