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A fixed format for Product Review Threads....

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Top Cat:
A fixed format wont work for lots of reasons. You can try but it wont work. All the reviewer has to do is deny any discount or cheaper price. Your basically trying to change how tinternet works. Even a completely genuine review, is more often than not, loaded, because they are affirming there choices.
All you can do is use your own brain when reading the review, base your decisions on the person who wrote it as well as the product. I, for example know John_O very well as person, and i know he will be completely impartial, because thats just how he is.  :happy2:
On the other side of the coin, For example  if Mat or Robin write something about VWR, then unless you have just climbed out of the ground and not read any of there posts about VWR,  you will know about their enthusiasm  :wink.
People often make choices for ridiculous reasons anyway and if you are going to buy say for example a set of brakes costing £2000 pound without thoroughly researching, then quite frankly you cant be too upset if they turn out to be average.


--- Quote from: QD on February 22, 2012, 10:57:25 am ---
I think Review thread updates would be most useful.  A great product on fit may not be so great later down the line.

RR - I am really struggling to remember you posting a bad review, hoever, I am also struggling to remember you posting anything bad about your fitted products.

For instance, you must have had bad experiences with Miltek;

Receiving free products must mean you have to sign a confidentially agreement?  I am of the opinion that you should disclose your involvement/sponsorship when reviewing such products, especially development items.

--- End quote ---

....I for one, and I've seen others do the same, add updates to both my original post and post extra in my review threads. I'm not going to spend time reading all my review threads to point out where I have written criticisms - They are there for all to read.

I have never been asked to sign any "confidentiality agreement" in the car world - The only such document I've ever signed is for Adobe when pre-release testing their Creative Suite software - A 6-page document.

Why "must" I have had bad experiences with Milltek? - Because others state they have?


--- Quote from: Top Cat on February 22, 2012, 10:59:47 am ---
A fixed format wont work for lots of reasons. You can try but it wont work. All the reviewer has to do is deny any discount or cheaper price. Your basically trying to change how tinternet works. Even a completely genuine review, is more often than not, loaded, because they are affirming there choices.

All you can do is use your own brain when reading the review, base your decisions on the person who wrote it as well as the product. I, for example know John_O very well as person, and i know he will be completely impartial, because thats just how he is.  :happy2:

On the other side of the coin, For example  if Mat or Robin write something about VWR, then unless you have just climbed out of the ground and not read any of there posts about VWR,  you will know about their enthusiasm  :wink.
People often make choices for ridiculous reasons anyway and if you are going to buy say for example a set of brakes costing £2000 pound without thoroughly researching, then quite frankly you cant be too upset if they turn out to be average.

--- End quote ---

....Absolutely spot-on!!  :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:  :happy2:

At last someone who understands the real world! I wish I'd written that.

I would only add that rather than this site (ie SteveP) impose an absolutely rigid and fixed format, there should be strong GUIDELINES which of course get Moderated.


--- Quote from: Top Cat on February 22, 2012, 10:59:47 am ---A fixed format wont work for lots of reasons. You can try but it wont work. All the reviewer has to do is deny any discount or cheaper price. Your basically trying to change how tinternet works. Even a completely genuine review, is more often than not, loaded, because they are affirming there choices.
All you can do is use your own brain when reading the review, base your decisions on the person who wrote it as well as the product. I, for example know John_O very well as person, and i know he will be completely impartial, because thats just how he is.  :happy2:
On the other side of the coin, For example  if Mat or Robin write something about VWR, then unless you have just climbed out of the ground and not read any of there posts about VWR,  you will know about their enthusiasm  :wink.
People often make choices for ridiculous reasons anyway and if you are going to buy say for example a set of brakes costing £2000 pound without thoroughly researching, then quite frankly you cant be too upset if they turn out to be average.

--- End quote ---

The thing also with a review it's only one persons thoughts on a product and it's upto people who have chosen to buy what ever the product is then if they can add to the review ie pros and cons. At the end of the day it's our money and what we do with is no ones business and if a product turns out not to your liking then take it up with the dealer and also post in the review section of what is going on as it helps everyone in the long run. As for the brake pad thing why was nothing ever put on the review about it ages ago  :confused: surely it was for us all to know what was happening with the pads that are more for the road then track to put into the review the brakes don't like said pads on track so I am trying something else on track  :confused:. If I was having a problem with a product that was on this site I would state it but I can only go on what a product is like on my car simple as that.  

vRS Carl:
I think there should be a suggested format for a review, purely so that they all read the same. This would save any reviews that basically say

"dis iz da bez ting sinz slyzd bred"

I don't think posting up the price you paid if you got discount is relevant. But if it's a development product then maybe they could say "as this is a work in progress/being tested on my car i have been given the kit/given a substantial discount while they work out any problems that may occur"

I take any advice and opinions given/read exactly as that, Advice & Opinion. Do your own research and make a balanced informed judgement about the product you intend to purchase. Only you as an individual can decide if the product is what you want to spend your hard earned on. I was recently offered to have something fitted on my car for free. I never asked for that it's just that the company concerened weren't 100% sure it would fit so i was offered that if i pay the price for the item, they would fit it FOC so they could be 100% happy everything was still going to work. If i was then to write a review about the product and then make comment about the free fitting on it. Would that tarnish the evaluation of the product? Or would it display a level of customer care that is often lacking in a lot of companies these days?

We could all sit here saying that DaveB's NQSBBK is the best brake kit ever. However another forum might think they are average compared to Supastoppers-R-Us because they do a kit that is 5pence cheaper and comes in pink! This is were the individual has to work out if they want DaveB's kit or save 5p and have Pink brakes! I know i'm being humourous with that but the point i am trying to make is it's down to the individual to assess any review.

As TC says if they don't do thorough research and take ONE review thread as fact. Then i'm afraid that is their own look out imho.


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