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A fixed format for Product Review Threads....

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I can also have my free BCS exhaust  :signLOL:

Oooh me too!!!  :party:

Having written a few reviews here I always start off trying to follow a format but it doesn't always suit what the product is. Therefore I suggest strict guidelines but not rigid to the point of making the headings irrelevant.

As well as being informative, reviews should be enjoyable to read and be as fully illustrated with photos and/or diagrams as possible.


--- Quote from: Top Cat on March 03, 2012, 10:05:08 pm ---

--- End quote ---

Yes you have hit the nail on the head, i was that upset at BCS for not giving me free stuff like all the other companies do, that i decided to pick on him.  :stupid:
If you dont mind, we will manage how the forum works in relation to companies wanting to advertise. You just stick to telling everyone what their ED 30's are worth and how great you were at getting yours so cheap.  :wink:  :happy2:


Twas the sort of reply I half expected, rather than reply with an answer you have a pop at me for answering other folks questions  :notworthy:

Looking at prices of ED30's now, I dont think I got mine cheap  :P market price more like (Its my opinion, you have your own too im sure), regards how great I am I dont think thats up for debate  :drinking:

As for managing how the forum works, I dont believe I offered advice on how it should work?  :stupid: merely questioned why one person gets warned about something and others not so (it seems), perhaps thats forum rules I am not aware of?, still not answered either  :grin:

If BCS are giving free exhausts can I have one too or do I need to be a Mod?  :scared:

thin Ice there buddy....

I did a favour for a mod one time and didn't want paying, got a PM from said Mod asking what the value was. That value was put into the forum coffers....thought that was pretty proper myself.

Ive given more stuff away to non mods than anything to mods, wouldn't want to be seen to be try to be achieving favour.

I've got some Polo stuff going on a car soon at less than retail, if the cars owner doesn't cough to what was paid then I'll be putting it up here.

This site is refreshingly free from commercial operators, the worst kind is the box shifting "Tuners" who offer price lists and not advice. There's a people on here me included that sell some stuff, some more than others, the suspects are identified as traders so that people new to the forum are aware that posters may have a vested interest..

I try to put a bit back in to the equation in terms of advice.

So getting back to it.....notwithstanding that free endorsements, "sponsored" reviews are rife, endemic on other forums could we not try to make things a little more transparent on here by stating which category the product falls into maybe as such...

1. Gifted for free to spread the word
2. Done at cost/heavy discount as user aided development
3. Normal purchase asked for a discount got told to poke off
4. Normal purchase I didn't pay the asking price so a saving to be had - make your own enquiries

And before we get back into the VWR thing ^^^^^^ That's not addresses at anybody, I've already budgeted £80 for burgers at Inters


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