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A fixed format for Product Review Threads....

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--- Quote from: h4rdy on March 05, 2012, 04:09:34 pm ---Can't there just be a disclaimer stating:


All bases covered then.

There in no way of managing people being honest about what they paid for it, or not if the case may be.


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 :signLOL:  :signLOL:  :signLOL: I think thats possibly the best idea yet, like he said covers all options............. :drinking:

The other option?

Scrap the reviews, but I actually quite like reading them and don't take it as gospel.

I bought something fairly recently which is highly rated but turned out to be a complete crock of poo.

So I had my lesson there straight away.

I think just take them as 'I procured an item, I like it/don't, make your own mind up'.

Treat them as guidance is what I am trying to say.


--- Quote from: h4rdy on March 05, 2012, 06:20:45 pm ---The other option?

Scrap the reviews, but I actually quite like reading them and don't take it as gospel.

I bought something fairly recently which is highly rated but turned out to be a complete crock of poo.

So I had my lesson there straight away.

I think just take them as 'I procured an item, I like it/don't, make your own mind up'.

Treat them as guidance is what I am trying to say.

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What was it that turned out to be a dissapointment (for you)?

PM if need be, I'm just curious


--- Quote from: Tfsi_Mike on March 05, 2012, 06:29:17 pm ---
--- Quote from: h4rdy on March 05, 2012, 06:20:45 pm ---The other option?

Scrap the reviews, but I actually quite like reading them and don't take it as gospel.

I bought something fairly recently which is highly rated but turned out to be a complete crock of poo.

So I had my lesson there straight away.

I think just take them as 'I procured an item, I like it/don't, make your own mind up'.

Treat them as guidance is what I am trying to say.

--- End quote ---

What was it that turned out to be a dissapointment (for you)?

PM if need be, I'm just curious

--- End quote ---

....And was some geezer called RedRobin who wrote the 'review'?  :laugh:

I think there is a lot of fuss being made over nothing!!

If people stuck to the format already provided, and the forum members used the brains they were given to make there own mind up then wheres the problem!!

Come on, were bored of spoon feeding and arse wiping, lets all be adults and make our own little minds up whether the product being reviewed is something that we want or not!  :stupid:  :signIWS:


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