General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box
A fixed format for Product Review Threads....
--- Quote from: Greeners on March 05, 2012, 09:16:22 pm ---I think there is a lot of fuss being made over nothing!!
If people stuck to the format already provided, and the forum members used the brains they were given to make there own mind up then wheres the problem!!
Come on, were bored of spoon feeding and arse wiping, lets all be adults and make our own little minds up whether the product being reviewed is something that we want or not! :stupid: :signIWS:
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Well said.
Exactly Nath. :happy2:
At the end of the day you make your own mind up. No one puts a gun to your head. :wink:
--- Quote from: SteveP on March 05, 2012, 09:22:52 pm ---
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Yay cats!! :signLOL:
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