General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box
A fixed format for Product Review Threads....
--- Quote from: Top Cat on March 05, 2012, 09:35:26 pm ---
Oh and i paid in full for this Exhaust cattie pic with wiskers.
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U sure the cat Society did not pay you for promoting cats :happy2:
I hate cats! :fighting:
I walk in a house with a cat and within 5 minutes I have to leave as my eyes close up. :confused:
--- Quote from: RedRobin on March 04, 2012, 05:55:43 pm ---
I know that not everyone will agree with me but what was paid or not by the reviewer has nothing to do with the quality of the reviewed product. Publishing the normal retail price is done to give a cost guideline. Focus on the subject of the review and not what someone else paid for it!
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Are you saying that someone/everyone who gets a Freebie or heavily discounted part won't colour their review even slightly?
Eg favourite garage - the little extras that a garage may do/supply FOC will often mean a return visit, accent your thoughts on their service and a favourable review.
--- Quote from: Greeners on March 05, 2012, 09:16:22 pm ---I think there is a lot of fuss being made over nothing!!
If people stuck to the format already provided, and the forum members used the brains they were given to make there own mind up then wheres the problem!!
Come on, were bored of spoon feeding and arse wiping, lets all be adults and make our own little minds up whether the product being reviewed is something that we want or not! :stupid: :signIWS:
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Agreed, but unfortunately not everyone does/can do this.
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