Yep that's how I drive too.
I did used to try to get from Leeds to London (M1) without touching the brakes

Think I only ever managed it once. Always some numpty filling the "safe gap" between you and the car in front. Or the horror of everyone's brake lights and emergency stops for no obvious reason.
Hate going out, with the wife driving. Never a constant throttle position, just on off on off, and then touch the brakes, for no reason.
Good job I don't get car sick, 'cos I feel like a nodding dog when sat in the passenger seat

And never ever try to suggest her driving could be smoother. Instant castration.
Perhaps a lower performance car for her next time.
Didn't know how old you were RR, but guessing ~ 55 to 60 (don't know if you started driving off road before your license)
In my mind you were at least 2 decades +++ younger

I know I feel like an old(ish) man in a young mans car. Everyone else I see in one looks like there are in their 20's