I have been on here before showing the "dimming" cluster where the instrument panel cluster in the centre of the dash, for some reason decides to dim, them bounce back to full illumination.....others on here have had the same, even instances of it fading out all together, then reappear soon after.
Well this evening on my way home this began to flash:

It was pulsing normal, to this every few seconds....
So once I got home and I opened the drivers door with the car still running, to see if the instrument display would change.... but it kept breaking up.

Then reverting back to how it should look for a few seconds....

I even turned the engine off....took the key out and it kept doing it....until the interior lights go off and the cluster goes dark.
I have not checked it (been around 40 minutes in the garage) but WHAT THE FECK IS GOING ON ??

I thought it might be doing it in sync with the auto wipers at first, but it did it with them turned off.
No other screen (the stereo) does this...all ok.