Before i start with the topic of this thread i want to make it clear that this does not want to turn into a pissing competition about which tuner/map/hardware/software is best! This thread is purely about me, my car, my choice of provider, the issues i've had and the way the issues have been dealt with. Nothing else is trying to be portrayed and it is purely my personal opinion and experience.
Now that is out the way back on topic.
Since July last year my car has been mapped with APR. I've had REVO in the past on my previous car but, given the experiences i had with them, i decided not to use them this time around. The car had about 2.5k miles on when mapped with APR to ensure no build issues etc and i paid for the map before anyone thinks i got it for free!
After about a month of having the map one day i noticed an odd behaviour on the rev counter. I can't remember why i noticed it as there was no sensation felt. But i was travelling along the motorway and one truck was overtaking another and a car overtaking those. I was doing about 50mph at the time and when the car in front pulled over i put my foot down to accelerate. As i did so the car geared down, the rev counter moved as normal then jumped about 500rpm before hesitating and carrying on. Now i thought it highly unlikely that i would have clutch slip on a DSG box in a new car, from a map that made circa 280lb/ft. So i tried to replicate the issue and i could, i tried it in D, S and Manual mode and it would do the same thing. The jump would vary from about 100-500rpm but there was no sensation of the car holding back when it did it. Initially i thought it was the box matching the rpm for gearing down. But when it did it in M i knew that wasn't the case.
Anyway i went back to APR with the issue and various reasons were flouted as to what it could be. There was suggestions it could be my car as it was only me displaying this issue with the 2.0TSi code. But i believed it was the software and credit to APR they stuck with it. Around about October, due to various reasons and me being busy with work, the issue wasn't followed up for a couple of months. I also hardly drive the car now as i run to work and the wife drives it.
I heard APR were coming to the UK and saw that Keith Lucas had registered on here. So i went straight to the "head honcho" this time and the issue was then taken from there.
At the recent RR day i was able to demonstrate the issue to Keith Lucas who then flashed the car with an updated version of the map. Sadly however this did not stop the issue. The car still drove perfectly and RR'd fine. But me being OCD/Pedantic/Anal (take your pick

) the issue still bugged me. So i persisted with APR and credit to them they persisted with trying to sort me out.
Today Greg from APR UK came to my house to flash the car with another version of the map. This map is a "High Output" version which apparently has another 30bhp and 40lb/ft. However i will leave that judgement to the Dyno.
I have driven about 170 miles since the map was flashed today and i can no longer replicate the issue. I have tried my damned hardest but it works exactly the same as it does when stock. There is a bit of odd behaviour when in D mode but it does that in stock. There is no sensation in the car, which there wasn't before, other than acceleration and the gear change. I will monitor this now and see if it re-occurs. If it does i will let APR and everyone on here know.
But at the moment i am happy that the car works as intended and the map is now working as intended. At least now i know i haven't got a fcuked DSG box as it would be an expensive item to get fixed as i doubt i could have claimed on the warranty due to the map.
I have written this as i am a firm believer in credit were credit is due. I deliberately never mentioned anything prior as i wanted to give APR every opportunity to sort it out before i pursued other options.
So thanks to APR for sticking with this. It is a welcome change to find that level of customer care. A lot of companies wouldn't have stood by a customers complaint for several months if they were the only person displaying an issue.