Kinda long winded but I will give you a basic over view.
Job 1) I applied for this last year......great job with LOTS of potential and something I would REALLY like to do. Never every thought I would get it, but applied anyway.
Job 2) Local job, interesting and nice change.
Now where is becomes serious.......! I have family and live in West Midlands. Both jobs are about the same £ wise, but job 1 has soooo much potential and would love to do it. The problem is, its based in London.
Talked with partner etc. she would NEVER move......and the downside I would be away a lot which would

my son. much as I want job 1, I don't really have much choice do I - son should always come first as I don't see any other way?
PLEASE BE I need to make a big choice. If I turn down job 1 I will be gutted. But a job is a job and your son is your son