where you from?
3 months on buddy - I've just got to grips with a basic detail
I will give you the same advise I got from the pro's on here..........get it done by a detailer!!
- Buyer a machine polisher is the easy part
- Then there are 100's of different polishes available, depending on the colour, paint type how bad it is etc.
- Then, there are 100's of different pad types for the polisher, depending again on the polish, car....and how bad the paint is.
You will need a DEPTH reader (something like that) the will read the depth or paint, so you know how much polishing you can do........
BIG ONE < Skills
Unless you know what your doing you will f**K it up big time.....wrong pads/wrong polishe and you will make it worse even strip of tooo much laquer.
What polish? what pads? how much pressure to you.........mind field!
Have it detailed < then maintain it yourself.
The cost of machiner polisher, pads, polish etc. will cost the same as a detail, if not more!!

This is just my opinion. Its not as simple as I first though.