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Author Topic: Rear Brake Carriers  (Read 1068 times)

Offline ub7rm

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Rear Brake Carriers
« on: February 25, 2012, 10:10:45 pm »
There seems to be a rash of us DIYing brakes at the moment and wonder if anyone can give me some tips on how to get the rear brake carriers off?  I've tried copious amounts of WD40, hammering my good wrench and swearing at them but the bolts are not giving a millimetre.

I'm doing this on jack stands so can't get any leverage on them.  In fact I think my wrench might be fowling on something so all the hammering might well be in vain.

Hopefully the front ones are a bit easier if I can turn the wheels and get a breaker bar on them.  :sad1:
Sepang Blue S4 BE Avant

Offline Phil Miller

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Re: Rear Brake Carriers
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2012, 12:13:08 am »
what you need is a desent socket and breaker bar, they use far to much thread lock on the bolts, WD40 will make very little difference as the thread lock and large flat on the head of the bolt means its murder tight, breaker bar is the only way mate
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Re: Rear Brake Carriers
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2012, 09:36:25 am »
You on about the m16 spline socket on the rear?

They're a spline because theresvery little room in there to geta normal socket on there.

The only way to get these off on axle stands is to drop the rear hub so you can lift the top arm out of the way and get some leverage, alternatively if you can get the car about 3 ft up in the air with a proper garage jack then assuming its properly safe to do so you can get a good old 30" breaker bar with the spline socket and they'll come straight off.

Don't persevere with trying to get them off with the car at low level, if you round off the internal splines on the bolt the hub will have to come onto a bench and then you'll have to grind them off.

So get it high in which case dead easy, or undo the top arm and bottom arm suspend them out of the way and get leverage that way

Offline ub7rm

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Re: Rear Brake Carriers
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2012, 10:01:52 am »
Thanks for the input guys, yeah its the spline bolts that are causing the issue. 

I've pretty much given up on the rear discs.  Was thinking about getting a medium breaker bar on to them from the top but sounds like that might be futile.
Sepang Blue S4 BE Avant

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Re: Rear Brake Carriers
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2012, 11:11:46 am »
The back brakes can be awkward if you haven't got them in the air high enough,i used a breaker bar on mine and they were tight even thou i had the car on a 2 post ramp

Offline ub7rm

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Re: Rear Brake Carriers
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2012, 11:18:07 am »
^ Thanks.

So basically there is no way of doing this on a standard trolley jack without dropping the hubs?  I will have a look later on at what this involves but I think its more than I want to take on.  Bugger...
Sepang Blue S4 BE Avant