Imo the Polo looks much better and ignoring outright tunability of the KO4 engine, the polo is a better all round package unless you need more space
The Ed30 is easily the ugliest of the bunch here.(readies himself for a flaming lol)

Its massively cheaper to own and when modified like for like its actually faster around track. 
I really dont mind people knocking the looks of the golf, except for you. You have clearly bought the ugliest car ever made and as such given up any write to comment on the looks of anything.
It is the equivalent of the Elephant man telling the world that george Clooney is ugly. 
Yep you drive one don't you? Therefore your opinion is irrelevant

On a serious note I think the leon is

I like the polo gti in red and would have one. I miss my polo G40! 171.5 BHP and weighs 600KG

that was a car! Tell a lie it was a metal box, no abs, power steering,traction control or anything lol and the brakes may aswell of not been there!