hi guys
a few new things moving this end..
got some dectane rear dk lights from orange tuning- they were left hand drive so i couldnt put the inside bits on as the fog light by law has to be on the offside,so ive been told

the carbon mirror things i orderedfrom there turned out to be just shells and they didnt fit anyway

i have emailed him but no response as yet.
ive got my yellow lamin x for the fogs-to be done this wkend
have orederd grey smoke lamin x for the inner rear lights short term to match with the dectane ones
german plates on this wkend
along with the carbon grill mask-same as joesgti from china...
and the magnetic plates ala TC(fanx for all the help)
plastidip matt black the rear vw boot emblem this wkend
then engine cover should be finished gloss red by wkend and refitted.i am going to use blutac or plasticene to "mask" off the paint so i can gloss black the fsi in the enging cover.
i also redid the red vw badge in the front- i used plasticene to fill in the holes so i could re black the front.
guy who does the colour coding on the bumpers been off sick last few weeks so blew me out, but hasty phonecall on monday will see the girl booked in for the spraying.
so new pics in a week or so should see her looking a bit different from the last ones.
bit pissd off about the mirrors and the lights but what can ya do!!!
blimey long post!
i,ll get some photos up soon as......
fanx for listening