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Last minute change in direct now keeping the 5D MkII

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So after being messed around by two people now trying to buy my camera equipment using stolen bank details i have decided it just isn't worth the selling the 5D MkII as chances are i would end up loosing the camera plus the cash. The purpose of selling the camera was to buy a house locally BUT due to the stupidly high property prices round our way we are considering moving closer to where i work in Berkshire.

As the house move is unlikely to be this year my wife has given me the green light to replace the 70-200mm F/4 lens i stupidly sold (I may have told my wife the lens got damaged) BUT i have a MAXIMUM budget of £500 so i could get another but a looking at a couple of other options.

Lens I am considering
£490   Canon 70-200mm F/4
£469   Tamron 70-200mm F/2.8 Di EOS
£550   Sigma 70-200mm F/2.8 EX DG Macro

My style of photography is mainly Landscape, mixed interest and travel so I don’t necessarily need the longer reach but I am not about to discount a slightly longer lens.

£324   Tamron 70-300 F/4-5.6 SP Di VC USD
£490   Canon 70-300mm F/4-5.6 IS USM

In the 70-200mm range I am giving serious consideration to the Tamron Di EOS but the mixed reviews are causing me to reconsider. Another option is the Tamron 70-300 F/4-5.6 SP but I would rather have better image quality than reach.

Any thoughts gents?  :happy2:

Nice to see you've not sold the camera.  :happy2:

Of your shopping list I would say the Sigma 70-200mm F/2.8 EX DG Macro is the best option.  :ashamed:

I was always against the idea but at the end of the day it is only a camera which could easily be replaced in a couple of years time. My con merchant radar is a finely tuned machine so am surprised i nearly fell for two of the oldest cons in the book. They say when times get hard people get creative!

Amongst other things this photo, which i one of my favourites convinced me to keep the camera.

YAY :pomppomp:

Just for info really but I have the Canon 70-300 which I mainly use for airshows but you can get it a fair bit cheaper than you have seen. Have a look here

Also a good website to check prices of any other camera equipment you might want  :happy2:


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