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Volant Intake System for TFSI

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Yes, each of the Twintake's 2 filters is much smaller individually.

To properly calculate the surface area of a cone:

But minus the upper section because the surface when flat is fan-shaped:

^ The surface area of an air intake cone will be the shape of the silver area of the fan in this pic.

What's the last word on these Volant intakes for K03 TFSI?  I must admit, I do love the OEM look that this intake fills below the battery void.

15 pages worth reading then?  Come on guys, give me a synopsis :happy2:

Long story short...

Does it fit... Yes
Does it work... Yes
Can I buy them... Yes
Do I have to import it from USA.. Yes
Should I just buy a.nother intake available off the shelf in the UK... Yes

Yeap, everything ^^^^ says!

If you have friends/relatives in the US of A then it might be worth it as you can save on shipping it over here but its still a faff and hassle.

Lots of good options available this side of the pond, some cheaper than the Volant too.



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